MINDtastic Podcast S1E0 ENG - Learning about our colleagues jobs @ TGW Logistics

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The MINDtastic podcast season 1 is a platform for TGW Logistics employees to share their knowledge and experiences with each other, promoting a culture of learning and growth within the company. By listening to season 1 of this podcast, employees can gain a better understanding of their colleagues' roles and how their departments contribute to the overall success of the business.
In the episode 0 of season 1, our host Tina Hellensteiner reflects on how the working environment has changed over the years. She emphasizes the benefits of knowing what her colleagues are working on and how it contributes to a better understanding of different departments. The MINDtastic team values your feedback and encourages you to share the podcast with colleagues and friends. Listeners can connect with the team by dropping a message at: MINDtastic@TGW-group.com. Visit us on www.mindtastic.com

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