MINDtastic S1E9 ENG – Developer for Mechatronical Products and R&D at TGW Logistics Group

Show notes

In this episode host Tina is joined by Christoph, Michael, and special guest Matea, MINDtastic’s intern. After a quick guessing game, they explore the world of mechatronical development. While Christoph shines when it comes to technical parts, Michael takes the reins on the software side of TGW’s powerful machines. Both describe their job as truly hands-on: Experimenting, tinkering, curiosity, and creativity are a big part of their work life - but so is uncertainty. Trying out new designs will lead to failures, which both, Michael and Christoph, see as challenges they simply need to overcome. Did you enjoy tinkering as a child? So did Christoph and he also explains how this could be a great way to start a career as mechatronical developer. Michael and Christoph also describe their favorite TGW product in the episode. Find out what it is all about by watching this video: Garments on Hanger Shuttle (GOH) Give colleagues and friends a chance to learn and share the podcast episode right away 😉 Or contact us directly, the MINDtastic team values your feedback: MINDtastic@TGW-group.com.

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