MINDtastic S1E2 ENG – Sales Project Manager at TGW Logistics Group

Show notes

The MINDtastic podcast is a platform for TGW Logistics Group employees to share their knowledge and experiences with each other, promoting a culture of learning and growth within the company. By listening to the podcast, employees can gain a better understanding of their colleagues' roles and how their departments contribute to the overall success of the business.
In this episode, Tina meets Markus and Cedric, both sales project managers at TGW Logistics Group. They speak about their diverse and challenging role in managing a team during the sales phase, trying to win over a customer by developing a great solution (Learn more about how a Solution is developed in Episode 3 & 4!) Both consider building trust with the customer as a key factor for success and speak about which skills their job requires. You’ll also learn more about Markus’ and Cedric’s favorite hobbies, why they think that being a sales project manager is a rewarding experience, and what customer focus means. The MINDtastic team values your feedback and encourages you to share the podcast with colleagues and friends. Listeners can connect with the team by dropping a message at MINDtastic@TGW-group.com.

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