MINDtastic S1E5 ENG – Project Manager Realization at TGW Logistics Group

Show notes

In this episode of the MINDtastic podcast, our host Tina is joined by Nicole, a US colleague working as Project Manager in Realization. Nicole explains why she said yes to the podcast, she discusses the importance of learning and growing in the workplace, and she talks about the value of new opportunities and being open to trying new things.

The job of a project manager involves overseeing and coordinating the planning, execution, and completion of (often) huge Logistics Warehouses or Fulfillment Centers. Nicole is responsible for defining project objectives, creating a detailed project plan, leading the team through project execution, communicating with stakeholders, managing risks, and ensuring the project stays within budget and on time.

Tune in to hear Nicole's perspective on lifelong learning and the benefits of embracing curiosity.

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