MINDtastic S1E6 ENG – Commissioning Engineer Controls at TGW Logistics Group

Show notes

In this episode, Augis and Sebastian, two Commissioning Engineers working all over the world for TGW Logistics Group explain why they love their job.

As Commissioning Engineer focusing on controls oversees and executes the crucial process of configuring, testing, and ensuring the proper functioning of TGW’s control systems. With attention to detail and exceptional problem-solving skills August and Sebastian play a vital part in ensuring the commissioned systems function as intended, contributing to the success of each TGW project.

Augis and Sebastion mention how they like to show videos, because it makes understanding their job easier. Follow the links to watch the videos yourself:

Stingray - Powerful shuttle system

Kind Drive - High performance conveyor technology

Sebastian and Augis not only discuss their roles within the company, but also their experiences while working abroad. And last but not least: You’ll also find out why a pipe head wrench is truly essential 😉

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